Betekenis van:
housing project

housing project
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • a housing development that is publicly funded and administered for low-income families




    1. The housing project has fallen flat.
    2. John put across a big housing project.
    3. Its product range covers economic and housing assistance, support for environmental and energy projects, municipal and agricultural assistance, and project management for the Land and municipal authorities.
    4. In this respect, the authorities emphasize the fact that two private investors and the commercial subsidiaries of the housing corporations are willing to participate in the project under the same terms and conditions as the municipality.
    5. The total planned budget for the project amounts to EUR 30 million. As also outlined in Figure 1, the Amsterdam municipality owns one third of the shares of GNA, the two private investors together another one third, while the subsidiaries of the housing corporations own the remaining one third.
    6. The present tax exemption for housing companies active in the labour market region of Berlin does not appear to be specifically linked to an initial investment or the extension of an existing establishment as provided in point 4.4 of the regional aid guidelines. Nor does it concern any job creation linked to the carrying out of an initial investment project as provided for in point 4.11 of the regional aid guidelines.